• Breaking News

    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Age of Mythology The new and improved amphibious Fenris Wolf Brood

    Age of Mythology The new and improved amphibious Fenris Wolf Brood

    The new and improved amphibious Fenris Wolf Brood

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Floating around the idea of running a D&D campaign in the Age of Mythology setting. Any cool ideas/adjustments to throw in?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:45 AM PST

    My university roommates are into D&D and watching them play every week, along with reading some of the really cool lore within AoM's unit bios, especially for the Atlanteans, gives me a whole bunch of potential ideas. Do any of you guys happen to have any extra ideas for putting something like this together? How would you handle it?

    submitted by /u/JarJarBinks590
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    EE Showdown 2 Tournament happening Sat 29th

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:07 AM PST

    EE Showdown is happening again, this time starting at Saturday 29th February, 15:00 GMT. This is a one day, single elimination 1v1 supremacy tournament expected to take 5-6 hours total.

    There will be a $50 USD prize for this Tournament for the winner only.

    For more details/to sign up, check out the steam group


    or the Tournament's discord server


    You can view some of the games from the previous EE Showdown here:


    Sign Ups are very limited with there only being 5 more places to be filled at the time of posting this.

    Priority will be given to players in this order:

    1) Any player that has a current rating that puts their account in the Top 10 in ranked, excluding bugged ratings only. (At the time of posting this there are currently 3 bugged ratings, so this would account for top 13, of which 13th place has a rating of 2145.)

    2) Whoever signs up first.

    Once the 16 places are filled, further sign ups are placed on a waiting list, where they will replace players who signed up but do not show up on the day of the event.

    Oh, and yes, China is playable in this Tournament :)

    submitted by /u/xpqvlryznrjxwnvj
    [link] [comments]

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