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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Age of Mythology Thorough Fu Xi Guide

    Age of Mythology Thorough Fu Xi Guide

    Thorough Fu Xi Guide

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Hey reddit, you might remember me from the "Thorough Zeus Guide" I wrote a while ago. I'm back, this time with my Thorough Fu Xi Guide for the current 2.7 patch

    I'm currently rank 1 at 2220 rating on the AoMEE Leaderboards (excluding the bugged/infinite ratings) after playing Fu Xi only for 30 games straight starting at 1871 rating.

    I've saved the recorded games as well for that climb as well if you are interested in watching those.

    So yeah, I think I've earned my right to brag that I am the best Fu Xi player active right now, especially since literally no one else seems to be playing Fu Xi, so my guide is going to be the finest non noobiest material you can get your hands on if you want to learn Fu Xi ;)

    Check it out here:


    submitted by /u/xpqvlryznrjxwnvj
    [link] [comments]

    Give me your best Ra 2 tc BO

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:23 PM PST

    I found this video by the mista himself:


    but it only shows a low hunt map with husbandry instead of HD. What if the map is high hunt? The heroic timing is even better, no?

    submitted by /u/nickyjkim
    [link] [comments]

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