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    Age of Mythology Detailed Farms -Slideshow

    Age of Mythology Detailed Farms -Slideshow

    Detailed Farms -Slideshow

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    I was lucky enough to play a series each in 2 different Meta plays Age of Mythology Tournaments tonight! One in each format!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    My PoV in round 1 of the Meta Plays Monthly #3 tournament for Age of Mythology: Titans: Supremacy Mode (Ardeshir vs ListenTrance Bo1)


    My PoV in round 2 of the Meta Plays Rising Star Tournament for Age of Mythology: Extended Edition: Deathmatch Mode (Ardeshir vs The_Biggest_Hoss Bo5)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-RwgpJZF78 game 1

    <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5mOoXJAbAE game 2

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cAIJW6OfBI game 3

    submitted by /u/HowRYaGawin
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    Chinese units with standard pop values (+ Fu Xi discourse)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    I've been calculating what stats would Chinese units have if they costed the standard population values. So Scouts @ 2, Cataphracts, Mounted Archers, Fire Lances and Immortals @ 3 and War Chariots and Generals @ 4. I treated population as a resource (which it is) and an increase in this warrants a proportional increase in other stats. I hope my maths is correct. As an observation, Chinese units have great stats for their pop, but not cost. Making them cost standard pop also gives a more than fair return on cost.

    Likewise, I'd like to put forth some suggestions to mitigate the early game snowball of Fu Xi, whereby his wood discount and eight Immortals being used as infantry with no counters play a little too well into each other.

    Start with one Scout Cavalry instead of two.

    -- Stable --

    - Scout Cavalry -

    Cost = 35 Food 45 Gold (+5 each)

    Train Time = 10 Seconds (-2)

    Population = 2 (+1)

    Speed = 6.00 (+0.25)

    Attack = 8 (+2)

    Pierce Armour = 45% (+15%)

    Line of Sight = 12 (+4)

    Gain +2 LoS from Line Upgrades (instead of +1)

    - Cataphract -

    Population = 3 (+1)

    HP = 150 (+40)

    Speed = 5.5 (+0.5)

    Armour = 30% (-5%) Hack / 20% (+5%) Pierce

    - Mounted Archer -

    Train Time = 16 Seconds (+1)

    Population = 3 (+1)

    HP = 120 (+20)

    Speed = 5.8 (+0.5)

    Attack = 6 (+1)

    Armour = 20% (+5%) Hack / 10% (-5%) Pierce

    -- Castle --

    - Fire Lance -

    Cost = 60 Wood 70 Gold (+10 Gold)

    Train Time = 14 Seconds (+2)

    Population = 3 (+1)

    HP = 80 (+15)

    Speed = 3.8 (-0.2)

    Range = 22 (+2)

    Pierce Damage = 6 (+1)

    Pierce Armour = 20% (+5%)

    - General -

    Build Limit = 2 in Heroic Age / 4 in Mythic Age (Currently 3 in Heroic & Mythic)

    Train Time = 18 Seconds (-2)

    Population = 4 (+1)

    HP = 400 (+100)

    Attack = 12 (+2)

    Gain x3 Multiplier vs. Myth Units (Currently no Bonus)

    - War Chariot -

    Train Time = 12 Seconds (+3)

    Population = 4 (+1)

    HP = 300 (+110)

    Hack Armour = 35% (+5%)

    --- Heroes ---

    -- Immortal --

    Cost = 100 Food 50 Gold (+20 Food +10 Gold)

    Population = 3 (+1)

    HP = 250 (+100)

    Hack Attack = 10 (+1)

    Pierce Attack = 8 (+1)

    --- Major Gods ---

    -- Fu Xi --

    Loses - 'All eight Immortals available in Archaic Age'

    New - 'Heroes and Generals are stronger'

    - Heroes (Immortals & Monks) gain +15% HP & Attack with Age advance instead of +10% each

    - Generals gain +5% extra HP & Attack with each Line Upgrade

    Buildings cost 10% less resources (instead of 20% less Wood) [for example Wonder costs 900 Food 900 Wood 900 Gold 45 Favour]

    Unit line upgrades 25% cheaper (instead of 20%)

    -- Nu Wa --

    Heroes (Immortals & Monks) aren't 10% cheaper

    submitted by /u/devang_nivatkar
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