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    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 240

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 240

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 240

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    The Hero we need, hope he keeps these up!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Age of Mythology not on the front page?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    A copy paste from the Age of Empires forum: https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/age-of-mythology-not-on-the-front-page/124203

    So leaving the Fan Preview with mixed feelings… being relatively excited about AoE4 and being incredibly upset at the complete disregard for the AoM community in the history portion I come to the site begrudgingly to make sure my insider profile is set up and I notice that Mythology is no longer on the front page.

    I see a news article that says that the game hasn't been forgotten but it is really feeling like at this point that there is somewhat of an effort to try and forget the mess that they created.

    So first a brief history lesson seeing as it was missed out on.

    AoM:EE was suppose to breath new life back into the game, and you know what. It did. Was an amazing nostalgia trip for the single player fan (myself included) to play through the campaign again and enjoy all of that but when we jumped into multi-player it was nearly impossible to play. The developers left us with "it is working as intended" and the hardcore fans left very quickly back to the original game because at least it works. Years later we find out that Skybox had little to no idea what they were doing code wise. Everything was written poorly and needed massive work to fix. Luckily we had a select few Forgotten Empires AOM fans who got tasked with fixing the mess and they've done an admirable job. However, the damage was done. The majority of the competitive community don't even want to try AoMEE seriously and due to the lack of care when creating the product team games are still a shambles and unplayable nearly half the time.

    So… are we being erased because the competitive community still play on the original game? If so, why hasn't there been any effort for Developer run tournaments on Extended Edition?

    I don't know, this game went platinum four months after its release, which while not as crazy successful as AoE2 is still better than Age 3 and Age 1.

    All I'm saying is, don't exclude this game, help us help you to make it great, because it is great and we all can't wait to play a WELL MADE definitive edition. Looking forward to the 20th anniversary in October next year

    submitted by /u/iamboit
    [link] [comments]

    did we see this?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    Age of Mythology: Definitive Edition

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:00 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    What 4 new mythologies would you add into the game if AoM2 came out?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    Assuming if the Greeks, Egyptians, Norse, Atlanteans, and the Chinese are already in.

    Mine would be:
    1.) Aztecs ->
    Tezcatlipoca - God of invisible and darkness. Ruler of the North.
    Quetzalcoatl - God of day and the winds. Ruler of the West.
    Huitzilopochtli - God of war and fire. Ruler of the South.

    (There would be a 4th main god known as Xipe-Totec or "Our Lord The Flayed One". He wears the torn skins of the sacrificed and is the God of force and regeneration. Ruler of the East. However, for the storymode sake, it can be explained that Xipe-Totec was banished to being just a minor god because of his ethics and how cruel he has gotten. Therefore, the main pantheon consists of the three listed above and not four.) Perhaps Xipe-Totec can be one of the main antagonists?

    2.) Japanese ->
    Amaterasu - Goddess of the sun.
    Susanoo - God of the seas and storm.
    Tsukuyomi - God of the moon.

    3.) Persian ->
    Ahura Mazda - God of wisdom.
    Mithra - God of light and oath.
    Anahita - Goddess of fertility and healing.

    4.) Indian
    Brahma - God of creation.
    Vishnu - God of preservation.
    Shiva - God of destruction.

    These are the mythologies I would choose to be in the next game. Thoughts, opinions, and suggestions?

    submitted by /u/VersusPhD
    [link] [comments]

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