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    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 216

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 216

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 216

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Team games are great

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    How to Hesir rush as Loki?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    Hi all

    My friends and I have gotten back into AoM lately either doing 2v1 against titan level AIs or 1v1 against each other.

    Way back when I use to love Loki and recently trying to figure out how to do it since early to mid having a ton of free myth units seems great until you can transition to UberUsfaulks

    I did once against a Hard AI opponent but they aged up before I did and I couldn't capitalize on it due to all my resources being down at the temple for the rush.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatGodLoki
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    The Sith control everything, you just don't know it.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    The future for AoE1 DE and AoM (fan request)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    We are all happy to see the announcement for AoE 4 as well as new updates for AoE2&3, after all we are all extremely glad our favorite franchise is getting constant support after so many years. Sadly however, the same cannot be said about the game that started it all, Age of Empires 1, and the spin-off game that many of us enjoyed as children, Age of Mythology. While I do understand that the games with the larger communities which are AoE2&3 get more support in the form of monthly updates and limited time events that does not mean the other 2 games in the franchise should be completely abandoned. As it stands, the last update AoE1 received was in July 2020 and Age of Mythology hasn't had nothing more than rumors of a definitive edition sometime in the future.

    Even slight adjustments in Age of Empires 1 can drastically improve the experience the players get from the game. Some of those slight adjustments can be:
    - Increasing campaign population limit from 50 to 75-100

    - Decrease collision sizes of units from the huge squares that they are right now to small circles like in AoE2, this would help with bumping as well as pathfinding immensely.

    - Possible formations that are similar to AoE2, even if it is implemented in a simpler manner, it should be implemented to improve the overall experience in my opinion

    - Possible addition of gates or unique upgrades/units as well as new campaigns in a new expansion which would bring in revenue to justify more support to the game. There is so much potential for new campaigns in the AoE game that covers the largest time span that is currently missed. (if I started to talk about it, it would take forever to finish)

    All of this would be relatively easily to implement and would not just increase the enjoyment current players get from the game but it would also attract newer players to purchase the game. As the game stands, on a typical Sunday it has ~1.5k players on steam at peak times and if we make some educated guesses about the proportion of players that play the game via Microsoft store based on review ratios and on Xbox Gamepass, the game most probably exceeds 2k players on a typical Sunday and passes 1.3k on a typical week day. These numbers are not bad at all and would place the game around the same size as the 2007 release of AoE3 gets on Steam. If new updates are implemented into the game, those numbers would surely rise. (the proportion of AoE1 players on Microsoft store is higher than the other games as it was exclusive there for a while after release.)

    As for Age of Mythology, so far it is the only game in the franchise that has not received a definitive edition, and I hope that changes in the future. I did not play AoM as much as other AoE games but I have been waiting for it to get a definitive edition to get into it more for a while now. As for the numbers, we can compare the ratio of players AoE2 HD had before AoE2DE to rations afterwards to make a guess about how active a possible AoM DE would be when compared to AoM EE. Prior to AoE2 DE, on a typical day, AoE2 HD would get around 12-16k players. AoE2 DE receives around 20-24k players, which means AoE2 DE received around 1.6 times more players than HD (not including voobly and the numbers of HD after DE got released). If we use the same ration on the numbers AoM EE gets on steam with a possible AoM DE we get around 3.5-4.3k players for AoM DE on Steam. Just like AoE1, these numbers are not bad at all and would place AoM close to the numbers AoE3 DE receives on Steam.

    Overall, I want to conclude by emphasizing that I do understand that the 2 more popular games naturally get more support but that does not mean that the "less" popular games in the franchise should not be abandoned as just like in AoE2, if people have been playing a game for over 20 years, they probably won't stop playing it anytime soon so why not bring updates and QoL changes not just to make those loyal players happy but to bring in newer players to the games. My proposal to the devs would be to at least bring out semiyearly or preferably quarterly updates for AoE1, which is a reasonable request when compared to the monthly updates AoE2 and AoE3 get (which I love those games too btw don't think I am hating on them) and they can focus on an AoM DE after the release of AoE4, with a release date in 2022 or 2023.

    submitted by /u/DrawerOk4860
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    Integrating Khopesh Swordsmen & Onagers

    Posted: 18 Mar 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    A few days ago, we had a discussion on the new additions to the old civs. Ever since then, I've gone down a rabbit hole about them. Bogsveigirs are perfect as they are and Hero Hippocrates just needs some extra healing rate boost in the late game. However these two units have proven to be problematic for opposite reasons. The Khopesh Swordsmen are just too good while the Onagers are practically useless. I've gotten some ideas about them in the last few days and have been theory crafting how to integrate them better into the Egyptian and Atlantean armies. I think I've given enough thought to balance as well, but the primary goal here to to make them a meaningful part of the game.

    The Khopesh Swordsmen are broken good in the top level of EE right now. When combined with Ptah's Shifting Sands to displace two enemy villagers and the defending army, they've proven to be unstoppable. With no defending army, they just run amok on an enemy economy. This gives the Ra/Set player too much of a villager advantage that cannot be overcome. I have an idea not just to address this but to address the larger problem of Egyptians being just a notch better than everyone else.

    -- Khopesh Swordsman --

    • Moved to Siege Works from Barracks

    • Available in Heroic Age instead of Classical

    • Medium upgrade is free

    • Gain x2.5 Bonus vs. Siege

    Comments - I propose to change their role entirely instead of tweaking them and keeping them in their current one. Make them Heroic Age saboteurs and sappers specializing in taking down Siege. They also keep their previous role of raiders and can be used as such in the Heroic Age (and later), targeting civilian units and trade routes. Egyptians still have decent options for Classical Age raiding in Spearmen, Anubites, or Sphinxes without them.

    -- Spearman --

    • No Bonus vs. Siege

    • x1.5 (+0.25) Bonus vs. Turma (same as every other main-line Infantry)

    Comments - Three things make the Egyptians very difficult to push off a contested location including Gold Mines or Settlements i.e. their repair speed, Mercenaries, and their main-line Infantry being able to snipe enemy Siege in addition to excelling in general combat. Since the repair rate cannot be altered due to being intrinsically associated with the build and build+empower rates, changes have to target the other two advantages. This change leaves the Norse as the only civilization whose dedicated anti-Siege unit is a main-line one.

    -- Mercenary & Mercenary Cavalry --

    • Gain +10/15/20% HP and +10/10/10% Attack with Age advance

    • Mercenary available in Classical Age instead of Archaic

    Comments - While Mercenaries have been already nerfed in EE w.r.t their Armour, I'd like to propose a second nerf to their stat gains due to Age advancements. While this is a nerf on paper, the aim of this change is to rebalance their utility away from its current state. In their current state they deal a bit too much damage and as such with a surplus of Gold, can be used to dominate an attacking force. With this change they're shifted to a more defensive role, away from their current one. With the increased HP and still respectable attack, they can keep a location secured till proper troops arrive at the cost of burning Gold.

    -- Ra --

    • Skin of the Rhino - Not available at the Temple (Town Center only)

    Comments - Voobly Patch 5.0 change.

    -- Ptah --

    • Shifting Sands - Does not apply to enemy civilian units. Can shift 600 (+200) HP worth of enemy military units

    Comments - Same as Voobly Patch 4.0.

    -- Hathor --

    • No free Roc

    Comments - EE already has one of the three most requested Egyptian nerfs i.e. the nerf to Mercenary armour with the other two being no free Roc and nerf to the repair speed of Egyptian villagers. This is the one change that's often discussed with the majority agreeing with it, but it always falls through when it comes to implementing it.

    As for the Onager, the way I see to go about it is to make them available in Heroic Age and then restructure a few things around that. While this sounds like intruding on the Greek USP of Heroic Age long range siege, it's not intended to be that way. The Atlanteans could be restructured in a way that they're gently nudged into using both Destroyers and Onagers as a hybrid long range, short range combo as their primary Heroic Age siege with the usual Arcus support. This is contrasted against the Greeks for whom the Petrobolos will remain sole siege. As it is the Chinese have sort of intruded on this unique aspect of the Greeks with their Fire Lances.

    -- Contarius --

    • 'Medium Cavalry' research available in Classical Age

    • Pierce Armour = 30% (+5%)

    Comments - Similar to the Voobly Patch where they gained +5% Hack Armour (15% -> 20%) as well. This change makes them quite strong in melee combat in that version. This proposal aims to give them a similar amount of overall value but the buff being targeted towards making them better as main-line Cavalry, excelling at countering Archers and raiding.

    -- Cheiroballista --

    • Population Cost = 3 (-1)

    Comments - Frees up around four to five population slots on average, varies by matchups and how many Cheiroballistas the player trains or needs. Offset by the increase in the population cost of Onagers. Helps to ease the high population costs of Atlantean Heroes.

    -- Destroyer --

    • HP = 125 (-25)

    • Attack = 6 (+1)

    Comments - This change is geared solely towards integrating Onagers into the Heroic Age Atlantean siegecraft. They lose some of their tankiness which is their USP. However their ability to damage buildings is boosted by the same percentage (20%). Losing their tankiness should necessitate the addition of Onagers to maintain their overall sieging ability. This gently nudges them into an unique long range, short range combination as their primary Heroic Age siege, with neither component functioning optimally without the other.

    -- Onager --

    • Available in Heroic Age (instead of Mythic)

    • Crush Damage = 15x2 (Currently 14x2)

    • Population Cost = 4 (+1)

    Comments - The Onager has proven to be an extremely marginal unit for the Atlanteans in the Mythic Age. Their damage output is also still too low, despite the buffs in the previous two patches. I'd like to propose making the unit available in the Heroic Age in order to give it some potential utility. That way, they could see some play in a hybrid long & short range siege combination with the Destroyer. This change does not invalidate the Destroyer as Onagers don't have the same damage output against buildings as other comparable siege units; Destroyers will still be needed to maintain a respectable DPS against buildings. I envision the Onager having a subordinate role to the Destroyer in this situation, substituting for two to three Destroyers in a typical Atlantean Heroic Age army of Arcus + Destroyers.

    -- Kronos --

    • Destroyer - Hero upgrade is 10% cheaper

    Comments - The Destroyer Hero upgrade isn't any cheaper for Kronos compared to Gaia or Oranos, hence his Hero Destroyers aren't exactly 10% cheaper in comparison. Compare this with Oranos Hero Destroyers who move exactly +10% faster compared to generic ones.

    -- Theia --

    • Lance of Stone - Cost 15 (+3) Favour / Hero Contarius Multiplier vs. Buildings restored to x3

    Comments - While I understand the nerf was warranted to be proportional to the Hero cost (30%) discount, I would like to propose slightly increasing the cost of this tech while restoring its old effect instead. As mentioned before, Atlantean Heroes are still on the expensive side despite the discount they received. The cost should offset any OP-ness in theory. However, it's alright if the tech isn't restored to its old effect as the nerf (x3 -> x2.75) isn't that big anyways.

    These are just excerpts from my full list on this topic. The full list can be found here (ideas about Atlanteans, Chinese, Egyptians & Norse).

    submitted by /u/devang_nivatkar
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