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    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 197

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 197

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 197

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    AoM Definitive Edition

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:56 PM PST

    So, AoE 1-3 all got a Definitive Edition on Steam. With them, they've gotten rebalanced, received new techs and civs, and so on. Now, in all fairness, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the AoE games are more popular than AoM. However, I think that AoM deserves its own Definitive Edition.

    The Tale of the Dragon was a huge letdown for a lot of people: lackluster campaign, overpowered units (and an overpowered civ as a whole). Obviously, they've done some patching and fixed some glaring issues. And I do think that it might be a stretch to create an entirely new campaign for the Chinese.

    Here's what I think a Definitive Edition for Age of Mythology should look like:

    1. Expanded graphics. This has obviously been a MAJOR feature in the other Definitive Editions; I think this would have to be included to really call it a Definitive Edition.
    2. Rebalance the Chinese. make them about on-par with other civs, maybe even change some GPs or MUs. Obviously, like any civ, they need their advantages (as conversion is right now), but I think most people would agree they need to be reworked a bit.
    3. Add/change some techs. For example, maybe just change the name of Granite Blood to something else (I've always found that one a bit odd).
    4. Add a new civ (or two). A lot of people have been talking about and hoping for a Mesoamerican civ for a long time. I personally think it's time we see one, maybe the Mayans or the Aztecs. Possibly the Inca, but they might be too "out of reach" for some people since their mythology is less well known.

    Those are pretty much all of my ideas. What would you want to see from an Age of Mythology: Definitive Edition?

    submitted by /u/the_western_shore
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    Playing Kronos vs Gaia on Silk Road in Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:30 AM PST

    There is always that one guy..:P

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:12 PM PST

    Do you know how and where can I download it?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:48 AM PST

    This is my favorite game ever, but I don't have it anymore. I just loved every single aspect of it. So please, if anyone know a link where I could find it again I'll be so grateful!

    submitted by /u/PaloDelaine
    [link] [comments]

    Age of Mythology: Extended Edition - Cheat Codes & Console Commands

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

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