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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Age of Mythology glory to Bast

    Age of Mythology glory to Bast

    glory to Bast

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 168

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:02 PM PST

    This Matching Making is Horrible, anyone else?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:58 PM PST

    I understand that we don't have millions of players to match with

    But, 35% of the time "Determining Settings" doesn't happen and no players are found, and the search must be restarted. 50% of the remaining time, match making fails for no reason suddenly. 50% of the remaining time, players fail to sync at the last second.

    I have to que up on average like 10 times before finding a match due to this extreme failure chance.

    Granted, once in game everything is fine.

    But the extended edition's match making, I swear, is significantly worse than the original game's. What's going on?

    submitted by /u/TIL_this_shit
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    2v2 Hard Bot Strategies?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:53 AM PST

    Hey folks!

    A longtime friend and I have started playing AoM EE together as a "chill and chat" type game. We both played it when we are younger and it's been fun to get back into it.

    We're just playing 2v2 games against bots and have been getting better bit by bit, but we're a bit stuck in our progression at the moment.

    We're having trouble beating Hard bots. We can consistently beat them on Jotunheim by walling off the mountain passes and amassing our armies together at these points.

    Right now, we're trying to beat Hard bots (random Major God) on Oasis. I normally play Chinese (either Fu Xi or Nu Wa) while my friend often plays Isis or Loki. We often lose because:

    The two AI bots will both rush/attack one of us at the same time (sometime within Classical-Heroic age). Typically, we can individually defend against one attacking AI but being focused by both is normally more than either of us can individually handle. By the time one of us can send reinforcements to the defending teammate, the enemy AI has normally caused enough damage to workers/buildings/etc such that the defending teammate has a substantial economic handicap to overcome.

    Some things we have been considering are:

    1. We never really invest in Caravans. Are they worthwhile? We are wondering whether this would enhance our economy in a way that could give us a lead over the AI.
    2. We aren't normally able to get much utility out of Classical age rushing. When we try to do this we normally leave our base with minimal defenses, which opens us up to enemy attacks which can be ruinous.

    We're definitely beginners at this. Would anyone be able to offer us some advice on how we can improve/beat Hard bots (on Oasis)?


    submitted by /u/BenjaminGamerMan
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    Is there a way to automate or speed up game setup for the 1k games achievement?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:11 PM PST

    As the title asks, is there a way? I've personally already played over a thousand games since the game first came out and I just want the achievement (So I can uninstall). Its a lenghty process of hitting: "Create Game > Title: "o" > Private > ENTER > Restore Game > Ready" and then doing that a 999 more times. So, I ask again, is there a way? I'm willing to use a Macro, a Bot, whatever as long as it is safe for both my PC and my steam account.

    submitted by /u/A_Binary_Number
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    Gonna crash that ass

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:02 PM PST

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