• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 1, 2020

    Age of Mythology This post was sponsored by #norsegang

    Age of Mythology This post was sponsored by #norsegang

    This post was sponsored by #norsegang

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 118

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Co-op campaign

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Hey guys, is it possible to play campaign missions in cooperation with a friend, having the Extended edition of the game? If yes, how so?

    submitted by /u/mbow93f
    [link] [comments]

    Crashing constantly

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:24 PM PST

    I hope IT type questions are allowed here, my apologies if they are not.

    I have the game on steam and it crashes frequently and tells me it cannot allocate memory. I have 8gigs of ram which should be plenty.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/dying_soon666
    [link] [comments]

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