• Breaking News

    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 117

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 117

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 117

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:41 PM PST

    Aftermath of the Titans Campaign! (Lore speculation)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:48 AM PST

    I'd love to know what you think happens story-wise after the ending of the atlantean campaign. I mean, we apparently have peace again but in my mind that's only temporary as Gaia is out and empowered, as well as other Titans; and they're not gonna like what the olimpians are doing.

    It feels like there will be a great contest of divine beings seeking absolute power in the Greek region (maybe even all of Europe?)

    Also an atlantean-Greek war is almost guaranteed as per the conflict of interest of both civilizations. A second titanomachy of sorts but with human followers to add into the mix.

    Maybe as tensions and war escalate other pantheons will chip in! Making an all-out war between the gods.

    Please let me know what you think! It's always fun to speculate!

    submitted by /u/Yann2112
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    Still better than some dumb forests. Maybe?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Last Week's Tournaments and Showmatches ending 30 Nov 2020

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Lots of tournaments had their final games this week and the vanilla showmatches ended too, so there are some good matches to watch here.

    Some of these streams will expire after 14 days on twitch. I will update some to permanent links on the original thread over here: RTS-Sanctuary thread

    Voobly League Season 1

    Brackets here: Brackets and info: Discord

    Played - Skady v mor - 3rd Place Match Live cast
    Played - Kimo v reDo - Champion League Final Live cast

    AoL_Destroyer's Vanilla x1 Showmatches

    Scheduling and info: Forum topic

    Played - Shelty v Shadowfaxx Bo7 Live cast

    Age of Mythology - 1v1 Relámpago y Supremacía(Lightning and Supremacy)

    Use the drop down menu to switch from lightning to supremacy at top left: Bracket Spanish casts unless noted

    Played - Ulyssses v Kye - Lightning Semifinal Bo5 Live cast
    Played - Ulyssses v Gaboo - Finals Supremacy Bo7 Live cast
    Played - Ulyssses v ChrisP - Finals Lightning Bo5 Live cast
    Players interview: Interview


    Schedule and upcoming times: Challonge Portuguese/Brazil casts unless noted

    Played - ehNOiRSE v SPARX_BR - 3rd Place Dispute Live cast

    Naka's Monthly Deathmatch Cup - Nov 2020

    Schedule and Info: Discord Bracket: Challonge
    Played - Sunshine v Strausshaus - Losers Rnd1 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Jedi v Sim - Rnd2 Bo3 Live pov | Live pov
    Played - Faraday v Houdini - Rnd1 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Striker v Rage of Antioch - Rnd2 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Nakamura v Houdini Rnd2 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Shelty v WesternLong Rnd 3 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Maiden v reDo - Rnd2 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Houdini v Quetz - Rnd 2 Bo3 Live cast
    Played - Wiz v reDo - Rnd3 Bo3 Live cast

    Deathmatch New Player's Tournament

    Schedule and Info: Discord Bracket: Challonge

    NyanCat v snp4 - Losers Rnd5 - (Admin win NyanCat )
    Played - Ryuk v Nyancat - Losers Finals Bo7 Live cast

    Deathmatch Challenge

    Played - Nakamura v WesternLong - Live cast Part1 - Part 2

    Friendly Tournament 2020 2v2

    French cast

    One day tournament - Live cast

    submitted by /u/Erazor911
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    AOM EE Multiplayer Crash Private Match

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:08 PM PST


    some friends of mine and me bought AOM EE on steam yesterday. now, the problem is that we can create servers and join each other and even start a match. however there is significant lag, and after some minutes, the game crashes (waiting for players or something like that).

    is there any fix for this, or is the game just broken at this point?

    i would greatly appreciate help, since the game is still one of my alltime favourites

    submitted by /u/_xoelchzmitkren
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    AOE III DE fail worse then EE!?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Well, it would seem that AoE III DE somehow managed to actually launch worse the debacle that was EE/TOD! At least our beloved game never deleted any of our C drives.... It's almost like they were trying to fuck it up!

    After how well AoE II DE turned out, and the comments a year or two ago about not leaving AOM behind, I was really hopeful we'd get the same treatment. But after this, as much as I hate to say it, I trust the boys over on Voobly with the future of this game far more than Microsoft at this point. They might not have the resources or be able to do the same scale of update and overhaul, but at least they love the game and aren't going to destroy it.

    Nothing would make me happier than to be proven wrong, and to get an AOM DE that's worth my money. But at this point, I will believe it when I see it, and someone else has tested in on their C drive....



    submitted by /u/donttrust900913
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