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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Age of Mythology TIL: It's possible to change which player you control halfway through a match

    Age of Mythology TIL: It's possible to change which player you control halfway through a match

    TIL: It's possible to change which player you control halfway through a match

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    So I've been experimenting with Triggers in the Editor again and stumbled across something that I think it pretty cool. Useful? I have no idea. But cool. I don't think anyone else knows about it yet, but correct me if I'm wrong - documentation on this stuff seems pretty sparse and difficult to come by.

    I was looking for a way to mark a Defeated player as Active again, allowing them to regain control of any units or buildings they still have and essentially rejoin the game. I spotted the 'Player Set Active' Effect in the triggers UI and thought I'd found my solution. I was wrong.

    When I'm tinkering and testing things I like to have a way to control the timings of things so I usually use a "Chat Contains" condition to fire the effect at will. So I set up Condition: Chat Contains ' from Player 1, Effect: Player Set Active - 4, set up the map so Player 4 has nothing and will be auto-defeated in a few seconds and playtested as Player 1.

    When I fired the trigger, Player 4 wasn't brought back into the game. Instead, I was now player 4. The UI changed theme, I lost Line of Sight of P1, resource count adjusted, everything.

    Alright, let's see what we can do with this.

    So here's the setup I came up with. All 4 triggers are marked Active, but not Looped. P1ToP2 looks for a keyword typed in Chat by Player 1, and when it finds it switches me to Player 2, while also firing P2ToP3. That trigger in turn looks for the same keyword but from Player 2 this time, and when it finds that switches me to Player 3, and so on in a loop. Now, I can cycle through controlling each player in the match at the drop of a dime.

    I also set each one to Clear the Chat each time, just as a precaution to avoid any weirdness if I try to cycle through players too quickly by spamming the keyphrase. It might not be necessary, but I've had Chat Contains conditions pull some crazy shit before so I thought better safe than sorry.

    I'm not sure yet how this could be used, but what immediately comes to mind for me is a debugging tool for other mapmakers - if you're putting something together and want to quickly check what each player would see or have available in a given scenario or moment, this could be somewhat useful for that.

    The million-dollar question for me is: What happens when the trigger is used in a Multiplayer setting? I've only been able to test what happens when it's just me. Let's say we do this in a lobby of 4. When the trigger fires does it only switch the host? Just the person triggering the command? Do we get 4 people all controlling the designated player like StarCraft's Archon mode? Or does it just do literally nothing? I have no idea. Whatever happens it'll probably be weird as hell. I briefly had the idea of a "Hot Seat" custom map where players rotate around controlling each faction in turn on a timer, but I don't think that will be possible since the trigger doesn't have a field to designate who should do the switch - it seems to be programmed with singleplayer in mind only.

    Was this already known? Has anyone found a clever use for it? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/JarJarBinks590
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    How do I (as Ra) defeat a hersir Rush (from Loki)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Me and my friends recently picked the game up and si am loving it. I have got most of the basics down exept defending against early raids. One of my friends has played much longer than us and is gaining Loki. Most games he'll just walk in with 15 hersir and destroy my entire economy and also a few buildings...

    How do I counter this, even full axeman army doesn't get the job done fast enough...

    submitted by /u/DevilsFavoritAdvocat
    [link] [comments]

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