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    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    Age of Mythology What are the best civilizations in Age of Mythology?

    Age of Mythology What are the best civilizations in Age of Mythology?

    What are the best civilizations in Age of Mythology?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I used to play Age of Mythology almost as soon as it was released some years ago. I always played it off line. However, some years ago, I learned how to play online AoE2 competitively and I wonder how are multiplayer games of AoM. I watched some videos recently casted by Bolt and others on YouTube, but the game is very asymmetric, since it has very different military units, mythic units and god favours that give rise to very specific strategies per civilization.

    But those of you who play online, what do you think are the best civilizations 1 v 1 on the following settings and considering all the expansions, including the Chinese one?

    1. Land open maps.
    2. Water maps.
    3. Hybrid maps (Part land and part water).
    4. Land closed maps. I remember that there are a few of them in AoM, like one with snow and mountains and only one passage that connected the players in 1 v 1 games that could be walled.
    submitted by /u/Corsican_Pirate
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    Hades main with a math question

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Say I had an "army" of 10 toxotes in the classical age. Is it cheaper/more powerful to upgrade the archers or get armory upgrades first? are the armory upgrades cheaper than unit upgrades?

    submitted by /u/Vesper_Sweater
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