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    Age of Mythology Egyptian FFA

    Age of Mythology Egyptian FFA

    Egyptian FFA

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    So I play group games with my cousins. Free for alls, team battles, just group stuff. I've always liked Egypt. I watched Boit's video recently of his Isis ancestors eclipse rush. In a big group game like that, is that going to be my best bet? Should I be rushing chariots and caravans after that? Also what is the final God I should pick and would there be a better Egyptian God and order of minor Gods to pick? I know there's not really a set in stone thing but I want some opinions on what to do. Most of my cousins play Atlantean, other than that we usually play against computers.

    submitted by /u/D4rkFr3nzy
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    GPU Required?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Looking to move from the original game to EE now that the 2.8 patch has made it more playable. Is a GPU required to play the game? I have a laptop with the following specs that plays the original game perfectly, but has no GPU:

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: 1.8 GHz up to 2.4GHz turbo
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Storage: 200 GB available space

    These are the system requirements listed on EE for steam (note the GPU):


    • OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8.1+
    • Processor: 1.6 Ghz
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Direct X 10+ Capable GPU
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Storage: 3 GB available space
    • Sound Card: Direct X Compatible Sound Card
    • Additional Notes: GPU at least (Integrated HD 3000, 8600GT, etc)


    • OS: Windows 7, 8.1+

    • Processor: 2.6 Ghz

    • Memory: 4 GB RAM

    • Graphics: Direct X 11+

    • DirectX: Version 11

    • Storage: 5 GB available space

    • Additional Notes: GeForce 9800GTX, Radeon 4850+

    Does anyone play the game without a GPU, or with specs less than those recommended? How is the performance?


    submitted by /u/RecklessGreg
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    ''Age Of Mythology Definitive Edition''- how it should be created

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    ''Age Of Mythology Definitive Edition''- how it should be created

    Well, here it is- the idea I have and wanna see one day officially created. Had to use Windows paint but I managed to edit the images so they look ''authentic'' for immersion purposes. These drawings show the 12 civillizations that deserve to be included in a potential ''Age of Mythology'' remake, sequel, mod, expansion, whatever. Deities are assorted by alignment- left is Good, middle is Neutral and right is Evil (or at least hostile/antagonistic and/or destructive), with the Greeks being a red herring (we know who the real evil god in the story is already) and all Mayincatec deities are amoral. BTW there are no fictional civs like Atlantis, which will be replaced by the Romans. Please remember that you can left click on the images to zoom in and get a closer look. The arrows at the bottom are supposed to be used to scroll between the base game and the two expansion packs in order to select a major deity or civillization. PS: be sure to check out the other post I created today to know about the animal caravans, heraldic symbols, titan units and major deity wonders which would belong to these 12 civillizations: https://www.reddit.com/r/AgeofMythology/comments/gpmi5r/age_of_mythology_extra_ideas/

    1.Base Game: self explanatory, this includes the big three- Greek, Egyptian and Norse as well as Roman. The Greek major deities are Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. They gain favor by tasking villagers to pray at temples, the more the better. The Egyptian major deities are Isis, Ra and Seth. They gain favour by building up to five statues which slowly accumulate favor (rate can be increased by having build all five statues and having pharaohs empower the statues). The Norse major deities are Odin, Thor and Loki. They gain favour by having any capable unit attack anything, even animals and buildings (hitting enemy hero and myth units greatly increase your favor, as well as using multiple units and/or heroes). The Roman major deities are Gaia, Ouranos and Kronus. They gain favour by creating any unit (workers, military, caravans, heroes, myth and even buildings) with cheap/weak units giving 1 point when created while more expensive and stronger ones giving 2, 3 or even 4 points.

    The image depicts the Norse minor deities Forseti, Freya (Classical Age), Bragi, Skadi (Heroic Age), Baldur and Tyr (Mythical Age).

    2.Extended Game: first expansion pack, it includes civs which coexisted and interacted with the ones in the base game (Romans vs Celts, Greeks vs Mesopotamians, Egyptians vs Yoruba and Norse vs Slavic) which will flesh out the ''AOM'' world very good. The Mesopotamian major deities are Marduk, Ishtar and Tiamat. They gain favour by gathering the other 4 resources (food, wood, stone and metal), however they have to constantly be working since there is no way to increase the favor trickle outside of researching special tech and getting relics. The Yoruba major deities are Olorun, Yemoja and Shango. They gain favour by building statues of Orisha deities AND praying at them, with priest/hero units getting more favor when praying. The Celtic major deities are Dagda, Morrigan and Balor. They gain favour by placing or even sacrificing resources at special places (burrows, trees, lakes and megalith stones) with higher amounts giving more favor. The Slavic major deities are Belobog, Perun and Chernobog. They gain favour by building and controlling Town Centers due to being semi-nomadic hunter gatherers as well as settlers, with the more Town Centers build the better, however they get access to Town Centers in the Classical Age like everybody else.

    The image depicts the Celtic minor deities Lugh, Brighid (Classical Age), Ogma, Artio (Heroic Age), Cernunnos and Epona (Mythical Age).

    3.Definitive Game: second and last expansion pack, it includes civs from the Far East and the Americas- Chinese, Japanese, Hindu and Mayincatec (Aztec + Mayan + Incan) which will more or less complete the ''AOM'' world. The Chinese major deities are Fuxi, Nuwa and Yan Luo Wang (aka Yama). They gain favour by researching techs, producing units and aging up (the favor slowly increases during the researching/production, not after). The Japanese major deities are Amaterasu, Susanoo and Tsukuyomi. They gain favour by having priest/hero units pray at the Temple (the priests and Emperor get the highest amount), while the Emperor can turn any human unit into a hero unit, the price for doing so is high and the Emperor is weak so protect him at all costs (he could be brought back, however it takes alot of time and resources). The Hindu major deities are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. They gain favour by building anything (Houses, Towers, Walls, Town Centers, Farms, Titan Gates, etc) with multiple units and/or heroes getting favor quicker. The Mayincatec major deities are Huitzilopochtli (Aztec), Itzamna (Mayan) and Wiracocha (Incan). They gain favour by killing any living thing (just hitting it like the Norse doesn't work, also buildings are unaffected by this so be warned), with killed enemy hero and myth units giving larger amounts, however you get double the favor by killing enemy units in your territory, in other words near your buildings.

    The image depicts the Hindu minor deities Indra, Saraswati (Classical Age), Kartikeya, Durga (Heroic Age), Ganesha and Kali (Mythical Age).

    4.Random map mode example: with Nu Wa as the selected major deity and Chinese as the playable civillization. That's all, wish you enjoyed these posts. Be sure to comment, any feedback is appreciated as long as it's not spam, harassment, trolling or anything else that violates the rules. Which is your favourite civillization of these 12, which do you wanna see added the most and who is your favourite major deity listed? (saying ''all/everybody'' also counts) Hope you have a good day everybody here.

    Random map example mode

    submitted by /u/TheChaosDiscordGod
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