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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Age of Mythology Least favourite AOM campaign scenario?

    Age of Mythology Least favourite AOM campaign scenario?

    Least favourite AOM campaign scenario?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:46 PM PST

    For me it would have to be Strangers, easily the most boring scenario, it's just navigating your way through the underworld, finding shades and picking up relics

    This can include campaigns other than Fall of the Trident as well, but using the broken Tale of the Dragon campaign is just cheating

    submitted by /u/Hermafro
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    Please need help Booming with ISIS.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Im having trouble booming with ISIS. I played this game long time ago, and I have very fond memories of it.

    So with a couple friends we decided to make a LAN party and just beat the shit out of each other. I was a good player back then ("good" to ourt standars. nothing fancy) And I love both Isis and Hades. My play style is very deffensive.

    So Im trying to remember how to boom, I have been reading a couple guides and looking at youtube gameplays. but Im still struggling.

    Im able to have a decent Clasical time, balanced aconomy and pretty good scouting most the time.

    I make some houses around the towers and a couple monuments, I eat a lot of hunt and some time even build a second TC.

    I never stop making villagers, and my economy grows. But where I struggle is with food. I have a hard time transitioning to farms, and even when I do, I find early farm are still pretty slow. Until I get attacked with too much army, or in the back of my base and is GG.

    I guess I should maybe have 2 different hunting camps, with twice as many vills, but that's just extra hard to me to micro and keep everything moving with no idle villagers.

    However, When Im able to deffend, I usually just stop making villagers for some time so I can finally age up. And just easy-win.

    Im winning pretty consistently to Moderate AI, but I just can't hold it against Hard.

    Some times even moderate gives me trouble if its Nordic. (I play random map 1v1 against random AI)

    So pleaaase... I Implore your help. I need some advice. I need to go to this LAN prepared and I want to get good again.

    Also. Im afraid to write "HOW ISIS BOOM" on google. May SWAT crash into my home.

    submitted by /u/Lomby85
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