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    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Age of Mythology How do you get out of stalemates?

    Age of Mythology How do you get out of stalemates?

    How do you get out of stalemates?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Hey, I've been a long time casual AoM player and usually only played the campaign maps, on easy difficulty. I've just recently got into playing it again, but decided to improve my gameplay skills. I've been playing against hard AI since I'm not confident enough to try online yet, but it seems to me that if I don't wipe out the AI during classic-heroic age it becomes immensely time consuming to do so after I hit Mythic. Battles just drag on and on forever as resources cease to be a problem and both sides can produce units faster than they are killed. Even Titans don't always turn the tide, 20 pop is a huge debuff for me when maxed out on villagers and a decent size caravan route, so yeah. It becomes even worse on water maps. Eventually I can micro my way into their base, but it takes way longer than I think it should. What do I do in those situations?

    submitted by /u/CapeWrath
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    Economy stats from our 4 and a half hour settlers game. Tributed resources are for buying god powers. First time any of us managed to collect over 3 million of one resource.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:18 AM PST

    Any good tutorials out there for begginers?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:50 PM PST

    I just bought AoM on Steam, but I really don't know how to approach the game. I am new to real time strategy games as a whole, so I have absolutely zero knowledge of basic concepts and objectives. Are there any good tutorials out there, that introduce the game's concepts to noobs? My main objective right now, would be to finish the campaign on moderate, so I am not looking to be a deathmatch god either way :p

    EDIT: minor aclaration EDIT 2: removed minor aclaration due to unnecesary repetition

    submitted by /u/Porpoiselord
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