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    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    Age of Mythology I'm making a theoretical Persia DLC for AOM(for fun!) Here are my God powers for each minor God. Please give me suggestions!

    Age of Mythology I'm making a theoretical Persia DLC for AOM(for fun!) Here are my God powers for each minor God. Please give me suggestions!

    I'm making a theoretical Persia DLC for AOM(for fun!) Here are my God powers for each minor God. Please give me suggestions!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Ahura Mazda(Main God of light)- Unpredictable wisdom- random improvement for any building. Four uses. Angra Mainyu(Main God of discord)- Light drain. Enemy heroes do reduced damage for 15 seconds. Mithra- God of friendship and the rising sun. Comradery- All human soldiers have increased damage. Bigger amounts of human soldiers mean the increase is larger. Verethragna- The warrior God who fight evil. Just light- All human soldiers' weapons are tinted with light which does extra damage to myth units. Hvar Kasta- The God of the full sun. The power of the sun- All enemy units are thrown into the sun, removing 20% of their current health. Ardvi Sura Anahita- God of fertility, war, wisdom and healing. Valiant war- Beams of valiant light are delivered by the skies to strike down enemy units. Atar- God of fire. Fire blizzard- Atar's power creates a fire storm, obliterating allies and enemies alike. Strong against units, very weak against buildings. Haoma- God of the harvest and greenery. The green grass of war- selected enemies or allies are hidden underground where they cannot harm or be harmed. If allies are hidden underground, they heal lightly. If it's enemies, they take light damage. Rashnu- The judge of the dead. Righteous judgement- Rashnu judges the souls of selected enemy units and draws life from them, doing more damage if they have killed more of your units. Vayu- The God of wind who is both good and evil. The winds of good and evil- Selected enemy soldiers are thrown into the air and against eachother, damaging and stunning them. The winds ripple out and do damage against nearby buildings. Zorvan- The God of time. Freeze time- Zorvan's power freezes all enemy units for a very short time and exempts your troops from time's stoppage. Sorry for the long read!

    submitted by /u/Lukex76
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    I had my most fun of this game recently.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Very fun.

    Isis is the best

    submitted by /u/iffrrr
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    Part 2 of my Persia project- Myth units and human units!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:38 PM PST

    Falchion warriors as infantry- Good against cavalry. Trainable at a military building(undecided on name) in the classical age. Composite archers as archers. Good against infantry. Trainable in classical. Dromedary fighters (camel riders)- Cavalry. Good against archers. Classical age. Horse driven cart archers- Counter archers. Trainable at the heroic age in a counter barracks. Counter infantry- Kopish swordsmen. Heroic. Dromedary dismounters- Camel riders who dismount when they see travel ahead and use camels for travel only. Counter cavalry. Sparabara- Trainable at the palace in mythic. Have a 2 metre spear and a shield which they use to block fatal attacks on weaker soldiers as their special attack. Herodotus' immortals- Trainable at the palace in mythic. Change weapons depending on who they're attacking. Change to a spear for cavalry, a sword for archers and a bow for infantry. War elephants are also trainable at the palace in the mythic age. I need more siege weapon ideas! Help!

    Myth units! Mithra- Shabrang. A night coloured horse that can turn invisible when it is vulnerable and escape. Verethragna- Simurgh+ Bahamut. The Simurgh is a benevolent bird that fires firebolts at enemies from afar. The Bahamat is a sea creature which cannot be damage and intermittently sinks enemy ships from below the ocean's depths. Hvar Kasta- Peri. Mischievous winged spirits that can heal allied units and infatuate enemy units to bring them to your side. Ardvi Sura Anahita- Karkadan . A mythical creature which is enraged by enemy myth units and animals. Has a special attack when faced with enemy myth units where it spins round in a frenzy, damaging all nearby units. Atar- Azhdaha. A dragon-like creature that can be spawned at the dock as a sea creature, and at the temple. At the temple it can be spawned as a land creature or a flying creature. Breathes fire on enemy units and whips its tail forwards to sink enemy ships or kill enemy soldiers. Rashnu- Shahrokh. The legendary king of the birds who can fly down, grab enemy units and hurl them into oblivion. Flies down to battle and scratches enemy units. Vayu- Fulad-Zereh. A huge Horne's demon that headbutts enemies and blows them away. Zorvan- Hadhayosh. A fearsome primeval ox that can freeze enemies in time and maul them. I need ideas for upgrades for each minor God(you know how each minor God gets 3 upgrades). Read my previous post for what the Gods are of and stuff and then make some suggestions! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lukex76
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    AoL Destroyer has opened signups for the Vanilla AoM 1v1 Winter 2020 Tournament

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:45 AM PST

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