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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Age of Mythology Man imagine making this kickass amphitheater for your hard working villagers but no one can get to it.

    Age of Mythology Man imagine making this kickass amphitheater for your hard working villagers but no one can get to it.

    Man imagine making this kickass amphitheater for your hard working villagers but no one can get to it.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    Playing for the first time since 2002

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:21 PM PST

    I was in high school when this came out and I loved it (even though I mostly just did random maps on easy difficulty and cheated my way through the campaign). Picked it back up a couple of weeks ago. Played through the campaign on titan difficulty legitimately and loved it. Tried to play through the Golden Gift on deity and cried the whole time and did it on hard instead. Now playing through the Titans campaign on hard.


    The Atlanteans are being huge dicks for no reason (I mean, I get that Krios is manipulating them, but that little shit Kastor was like, "I'm going to TALK to them to see what the problem is!" and all of the sudden I'm desecrating the norse and the egyptians for no reason).

    I legitimately spent over 20 hours over the last week trying to complete "Fight at the Forge" on titan difficulty and couldn't even come close without cheating. I even followed youtube videos of people doing it step by step, where I would see what they did and emulate it a few seconds at a time. But in their videos they had plenty of time to build up before being crushed by the enemy while the enemy attacked me immediately. That's some shit right there. Did they make game changes recently? I had the same problem on hard difficulty though at that point I was getting tired of the damn thing.

    I like how Arkantos pops up and is like, "YOU MUST DESTROY THE ATLANTEANS." I guess he hates his son as much as I do.

    submitted by /u/totomaya
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    Mission 8 of Titans campaign on Titan difficulty, EE

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    I picked up AoM again recently and enjoyed a nice nostalgia trip with some really great gameplay as I went through the campaign. On Titan it felt challenging (especially early on as I figured out the meta I'd never really bothered with as a kid) but missions rarely took more than 1 or 2 times. Obviously the Titans campaign is much, much harder and while I was initially incredulous and frustrated I've taken to really enjoying it. I view each mission as more of a puzzle to solve than a match against an AI. Mission 8, Cerebrus, made me doubt that I would ever finish though. After about a dozen tries I got it, and since there's not a ton of info about how to beat it I thought I'd share how I did it.

    This is basically the strategy shown by MajorFoley in his youtube video for this mission, but he was not playing on EE and there seem to be some slight differences.

    First step is a very particular opening. You need to grab all available camels immediately. There are 3 obvious ones near the TC, on the edge by the trade route, and on a cliff by the trade route. Get separate people grabbing all of those immediately. There are two other possible groups to grab. One is about 1/4 of the map length from the west corner, the other on the far west corner. I generally use the vision power to find the first, since it's very important to get it quickly, and just search around till I find the second. I use the Oracle to find those two. Both of those camel groups need to be sent straight to the middle pass into the trade route (by the temple), because this is where we will gather our army and we can't afford to agro enemies anywhere else.

    You also need to immediately task TWO laborers to wall up the southernmost pass into the trade route (close to the ally village). Make sure this wall is set back into the pass, if it's too far out enemies may start attacking it.

    You need to gather all military and place them at the middle pass by the temple. Keep priests alive, the Son of Osiris can be in the front line for the first two waves to help spare others but after that needs to be put on stand ground, kept in the back, micro'd, and healed back up.

    Finally, queue up a ton of laborers (you'll want to produce about 15 total) and have one of the wood cutters start building a monument. Make sure you have at least 300 gold left and don't spend any favor.

    That should all be done in the first 1-2 minutes. I'd recommend saving once you get that done or you may go mad and feel compelled to write lengthy reddit posts.

    Now, here's the general strategy. Once the wall is built you'll want both villagers building a migdol fort in the pass, but you CANNOT wall it off or block it up. This strategy works because any enemies sent to your town see a valid path through the pass and go there instead. It's possible you will get attacked by one cyclops in the lower pass or town near the beginning, don't panic, send some priests and if he breaks a wall rebuild IMMEDIATELY.

    You'll be hit by constant large waves of enemies. To counter you really will only use the migdol and the temple. While it might not seem like it, gold will end up your most plentiful resource. Food is the real limiting factor, so that's where about 80% of villagers should go. Get the chickens in your base first, by the time they're gone you should have saved enough gold to build farms.

    You want to prioritize building elephants, then when you're out of food priests, and if you have the favor either more strongholds (up to 3) or scorpion men. Elephants have the staying power to survive a wave and be healed by the priests, but in the early stages I mostly was using priests, and had maybe 15 in the pass. Scorpion men are pretty tanky and don't cost food so if you can afford to build the monuments they're a good choice. Later, you'll want to build more chariot archers (most of the enemy is human) but early on you don't really have the wood and you need a good source of healing. The Son of Osiris has to be used always. I find you really need to manually manage your army here to have it work well.

    If you make it past the big wave of cavalry at 7:00 things should be pretty stable. Once you're pop capped you should upgrade the elephants, get a blacksmith, and start using less priests and more elephants and chariot archers. I'd go with Thoth for the elephant upgrade.

    You will get attacked by myth units in Roccs starting at about 9:00 or so. It's not as. Ad as it sounds though, they always drop in your base and mostly focus the TC. I got totally surprised by them but I just pulled 3 priests up to the base and built some medji and it was fine. Stick a couple towers there maybe. It's generally good to keep the two builders around for stuff like emergency wall repairs. Once you're well upgraded and have a good stockpile, which may take 20 minutes, just push out and fight them in the middle of the map. Honestly at this point you can start wrecking their base even, though it really won't help anything. Just wait out the guardian, tower up, etc. Honestly by the time he reactivated I'd destroyed the whole base and decided to just kill the titan with priests.

    Anyway I hope any masochists who do what I did have a quicker time searching for help than I did.

    submitted by /u/Tarnarmour
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