• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Age of Mythology Updates to the AoM Subreddit!

    Age of Mythology Updates to the AoM Subreddit!

    Updates to the AoM Subreddit!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:20 PM PST

    Hey all,

    As you have seen in u/AoLIronmaiden's post, I've offered to jump in and update the subreddit to use the new systems provided by the new site interface, but I've also updated the information on the old version to match my changes, of course. I highly recommend using the new version, everything is a lot smoother in my opinion.

    Long story short, the changes are:

    • Updated site art for new desktop, new mobile, old desktop and old mobile versions - commission work by u/PF2K
    • Added official, community and original game links to the header and sidebar in categorized groups for the new site version, and matched the information in the old version
    • Added event calendar (link display is broken, notified reddit staff - using regular text for now)
    • Added helpful link section (Wiki updates coming soon, courtesy of u/Ippert)
    • Fixed flairs - go pick your god! (the images don't display very well, hopefully this will improve with site updates)
    • Set up widget to link to related subreddits on the new site version
    • Added wiki link below the header
    • Set up "topics", which will help redditors find this community
    • Re-added original rules to new interface
    • Added chat room just in case anyone wants it
    • Edited out keyword spam from description

    Essentially, you should now have every tool available to build a successful community. The thing is however, that I'm not intending to stay a mod on the sub - never did. I'll stick around until the end of the week to address any issues you guys may come across. After that, I will be resigning the position.

    Seeing as u/AoLIronmaiden has been for the most part moderating this place alone for far too long, I would like to encourage you guys to reach out to him in a DM to be considered for a mod role - I'm sure he'd massively appreciate someone taking some weight off his shoulders.

    Lastly, a minor plug: I've spent 3 evenings planning an implementing these changes, pro bono of course. I'd massively appreciate a few Youtube subs or Twitch follows! As you guys know, I produce Deathmatch content whenever I'm able, such as my upcoming 30$ DM Tournament this Saturday (dec 14). Feel free to play in that!

    That's all from me, have a nice day, Reddit!

    submitted by /u/_Nakamura
    [link] [comments]

    Godpower: A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:36 AM PST

    Beta God Portraits Of Age of Mythology

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:50 PM PST

    Why Isn't This on Game Pass?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:31 PM PST

    This needs to come to Game Pass ASAP. I think it would renew interest in the series.

    submitted by /u/Ryaer
    [link] [comments]

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