• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 13, 2021

    Age of Mythology Question to native English speakers about "N. D. Nile" soundtrack title

    Age of Mythology Question to native English speakers about "N. D. Nile" soundtrack title

    Question to native English speakers about "N. D. Nile" soundtrack title

    Posted: 12 May 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    What idiom or pun is found in "N. D. Nile"? I can think of three variants:

    1. N. D. means North Dakota, as in imaginary "North Dakota Nile".
    2. Phonetical similarity to phrase "In denial".
    3. Initials as in given name, similar to name of someone famous.

    Want to clarify actual meaning.

    Link to track played by composer Kevin McMullan just in case:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUgx6bopQlA

    submitted by /u/itpgsi2
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    Atlantean VS Chinese Mythical Units | Age Of Mythology

    Posted: 12 May 2021 12:45 PM PDT

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