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    Age of Mythology Tough guy bot

    Age of Mythology Tough guy bot

    Tough guy bot

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:34 AM PST

    Age of Mythology Cinematic | Escape From The Dungeon - Arkantos the Maroon has been captured by the Minotaur Leader, his old friend Wizard Kemsyt has found his location and will try to save Arkantos the Maroon... (This is a story takes place in an alternative timeline.)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST

    What civilizations you don't want to ever see being added in ''Age of Mythology''?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 03:42 AM PST

    Since we have talked alot about what we desire to be added to the game, let's do the opposite today. What pantheons and cultures you don't want to ever see in the game, either playable or NPC? Here are four (well, actually even more) examples. Please remember that I use legitimate reasons for these.

    1-Aboriginal Australians. Their technological and cultural level are basically still Paleolithic and these reasons also apply to other simular tribal cultures that haven't advanced since prehistoric times.

    2-I know people would like these and the series is about cultural representation, however every civilization that is extremely simular both in visual aesthetics and society would be redundant in AOM. These are some examples: Armenian, Baltic, Canaanite, Finnish, Lusitanian and Phoenician.

    3-Pantheons based on monotheistic religions- Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. The game is about cultures from antiquity and middle ages that are polytheistic.

    4-Silly modern religions that are practically a joke, such as Pastafarianism and Scientology. That and straight-up fiction, like example ''Warhammer 40K'' and the ''Skyrim: Elder Scrolls'' deities (unless they are non-canon fan-created mods) as well as still worshipped minor cults like Wicca and Voodoo.

    submitted by /u/TheChaosDiscordGod
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    Meaningful Myths and Minor Gods

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:49 AM PST

    Hey guys, hope it's ok to pop in and let you know my mod has been updated. I think a lot of you would like it if you gave it a try. It is a balance overhaul for most of the game, which tries to get things to "make sense" in a flavor sense (E.G. Athenian Wall tech comes from Athena) as well as a mechanical sense (Athena has the tech because she works well as a defensive minor god, not just a random assortment of techs). Finally, anything particularly weak or useless was shown extra love and made viable by buffs.

    The patch notes are huge, I've done a casual summary below, with a link at the very bottom. I hope you can check it out!

    Zeus - Has option to focus on Satyrs and Myth Unit damage boosters in addition to his usual Infantry options

    Poseidon - His sea game is much better, and so is his unique cavalry unit

    Hades - Does mostly archery and defense, as usual

    Ra - Has all the infantry techs, a stronger Son of Osiris, and trade camels benefit from his movespeed buff

    Isis - Mass priest is viable, or mass myth unit, or just normal Isis things

    Set - Expect to see a swarm of animals, slingers, and buffed khopesh swordsmen

    Thor - Full dwarf economy is fully viable, his throwing axemen are stronger than normal too, but almost any unit works with him

    Odin - Jarl build is there going strong, expect Thor to use more Ulfsarks than Odin now

    Loki - Skadi + Hel is possible making for super strong Frost Giants, and Hel gives additional Giant and Nidhogg buffs

    Gaia - Arcus and Contarius focus (both buffed), and economy as usual

    Oranos - Infantry focus - Fanatics have a splash attack

    Kronos - Siege and Myth Unit focus - HekaG's splash attack buffed

    Nu Wa - Myth Units (the vampires and the tigers) hit hard, low cooldowns, and move super fast, or focus on economy

    Fu Xi - Buffed up Immortals and early skirmishes

    Shennong - Fire Lances and monks are good


    submitted by /u/kittyjoker
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