• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 109

    Age of Mythology Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 109

    Making a meme out of every line from Fall of the Trident part 109

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Hope the right god bless the developers if we get a Definitive edition

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Unit Stats Comparison - Looking for a table

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:04 PM PST


    Ok, so I'm coming from Europe and during the first lockdown me and some friends caught up with AOM TT after a long time. Since we are going through the second lockdown now we said why not doing it again.

    Last time I had found some tables about unit comparison with stats etc.

    Most of them were similar to this one: [url=https://www.unitstatistics.com/age-of-mythology/\][https://www.unitstatistics.com/age-of-mythology/\[/url\]](https://www.unitstatistics.com/age-of-mythology/[/url])

    My problem is that I had found one that also included stats for let's say upgraded myth unit i.e. Colossus, Silver Colossus and Gold Colossus but I cannot find that table anymore.

    The comparison was somethin like Colossus, Colossus*, Colossus** with each star resembling an upgrade. Can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/PlateInevitable
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    More campaigns?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:43 AM PST

    Is there more campaigns to download for this wholesome game? Eg from steam or other sites? (extended edition)

    submitted by /u/MonstrousPudding
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    Uuuuuh... help ?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Uuuuuh... help ?

    My game is broken.

    I keep restarting it and even reinstalled it, but I still get that black screen. And it's not like a simple "oh that's okay, I can still play" bug, NO !

    Once I pick a game option (i.e. Random map or Campaign) the screen goes COMPLETELY black and I can't press on any button.

    I've tried so many things, what can I do ???

    submitted by /u/Moe-Mux-Hagi
    [link] [comments]

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