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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Age of Mythology Fanart i did of the norse titan

    Age of Mythology Fanart i did of the norse titan

    Fanart i did of the norse titan

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    How would you feel about a Mix of Aom, and AOE III?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    Reminds me of that globe animation with Nidhogg and all the civilizations.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Why is hunting dogs good?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:09 PM PDT

    Is it an upgrade you can get with starting resources?

    if the meta to have 6 villagers on hunting, I can see it effectively creating 2 villagers for the cost of 100 wood 100 gold and drop off point time being really good.

    Obviously not quite as good as building workers, but you can do both, and if you use starting resources, there is no opportunity cost.

    submitted by /u/sawbladex
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    I think many of us can relate to this on both Voobly and through Extended

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Customized units?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    How often do you get type of modified units i saw a giant santa today playin 1 vs 2 against the AI and some other customized looking units, does this happen a lot?

    submitted by /u/W-209FC
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    Working on a TA rush (odin) strategy

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    I recall a game when I was younger (like 2005ish) against a norse player named PIKABOY1 and he did a thor all dwarve super early classic TA-tower rush. It wasnt the best strategy in the world, but he played it into the 1700s comfortably in good match ups. Anyways I decided to try something similar.

    The strategy utilizes the 4:15 classical odin build lifted from an old player BO; roughly

    -2 starting gatherers to hunt(use gh) + hunting dogs -1 more gatherer to hunt -1 gatherer to gold -1 ox to gold -1 gatherer to gold -1 gatherer to wood straggler tree, preferably near your ox -1 dwarf to gold -1 gatherer to wood -1 dwarf to gold -3 hunters to food (Try to get a house up before this so you aren't popped. Also start a temple by the latest 2:35.) -1 dwarf to gold -1 dwarf to gold or ox cart wood

    (varies depending resource placements)

    Up between 3:00-3:15. Heimdal except against greeks and maybe isis, because Freya is better for harrassing wood and avoiding the range classical hero, and isis is a pain for undermine.

    anyways, I am adjusting the specifics but while going up build a hersir, scout with ravens to find their hunt, gold and second gold, and main wood, and at home transfer all the gatherers from gold to wood and ~3 from hunt to wood. Make a second hersir if possible.

    as soon as you up make a longhouse and a second longhouse with ulf and hersir and a couple houses with ulf. Long house 1 can make an ulfsark for building faster but start TA either right away or after extra ulf. TA building at both from here on out. Economically, working it out, but basically new gatherers to hunt if close or herd if hunters are far, and dwarves on gold and just sort of balance things out. No economic upgrades right away (except the HD from the beginning)

    The key is to start the hersir attacking immediately after the long houses are built to get 10 favor, and as soon as you do, research muspell axe. The cost reduction is extreme, 100 wood 100 gold and 10 favor and 20 seconds research. This adds two range to your axemen which allows them to hit villagers from outside TC range pretty consistently. You want your ravens to give sight around areas where they might turtle. And use your einherjar and undermine to hit towers around resources (unlikely that you'll take a TC down with TA so don't need to save it for a final push). If Freya, use that Valkarie to raid their wood and just be a pain while your TA focus on either gold or forward hunt vills.

    Furthermore, pull back injured TA and set to defensive so they heal fast (upped to 2hp/s in previous patch).

    Well, the rest is just mass TA and make them miserable for the first few mins of your rush. Gradually mix in ulfs and RC (ulfs are good due to fast build time) and I usually get another myth unit out there. Be sure to keep up with economy (i struggle with tunnel vision and am working on keeping it steady without having 30 AQ dwarves on gold, grabbing upgrades).

    Obviously this works on land maps only. But match up wise it works well against norse and atty, havent tried this current incarnation against eggy. Greek are tricky but probably shouldnt rush hades in general. Greeks are strong but you can starve them off wood to good effect so Freya would be preferable.

    Also, I'm going to experiment with Boit's 5 ulf odin early TC build but instead of making a TC I will follow my TA aggression tactics.

    Totally noobish but i am trying to feel out the patch changes for new strategies. I think this could work for all norse gods but I am most comfortable with odin, and it'd be pretty weak for loki relative to his hersirs. Thor I am not sure because he can up very early as well, plus he can get cheap armory upgrades but usually by the time you can afford the armory and copper shields and weapons, the game is already being determined (either your rush succeeded or they are gonna wreck you shortly after). Maybe thor could use foreseti for additional ranged support and healing (plus additional trolls are less costly since they are wood).

    tl;dr fast classic w heavy wood gathering during up, get TA and early axe of muspell to add 2 range for sniper throwing axemen, utilize odins healing for more effective, sustained rush-harass.

    Anyways, please point out things I may be missing or suggestions. I doubt this will move the meta but it is fun to try things out of the ordinary.

    submitted by /u/anomie89
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