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    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Age of Mythology Is there a way to observe AI? (First edition of AOM only)

    Age of Mythology Is there a way to observe AI? (First edition of AOM only)

    Is there a way to observe AI? (First edition of AOM only)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    So i m an old player currently trying to relearn game as I did not play since I was a child. I was curious if there is any way to observe AI fights /matches as an observer ?

    If so,how?

    This question is related only to first version of AOM as I dont like and dont play titans.


    submitted by /u/curiozitet
    [link] [comments]

    Is there a cheaper option than steam (30euro) to purchase AoM?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    Trying to minimize expenses... Much appreciated if I can get any help on this!

    submitted by /u/Bamb0oM
    [link] [comments]

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