• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 19, 2019

    Age of Mythology Fun fact: Longboat earns 150% more favor than Drakkar and Dragon Ship

    Age of Mythology Fun fact: Longboat earns 150% more favor than Drakkar and Dragon Ship

    Fun fact: Longboat earns 150% more favor than Drakkar and Dragon Ship

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:29 AM PST

    When they eleminate the same unit or building.

    The norse favor gathering mechanics: Norse units/buildings with positive bountyfactor gather favor from all units/buildings with bounty. Almost all units/buildings contain bounty.


    Longboat: 2.5 (!)

    Drakkar and Dragon Ship: 1.0

    Buildings: 1.0

    Hersir: 2.0

    Every human unit expect of Hersir: 1.1

    Myth units: 0


    All human soldiers: 1.08

    All ships: 1.08

    Some of the weakest myth units: 1.08

    Nidhogg: 1.08

    Valkrie: 1.08

    Myth units: 2.16

    Oracle scout and hero: 2.16

    Physician: 2.16

    Every non-atlantean hero: 2.16

    Chinese General: 2.16

    Heka Gigantes: 2.5

    Sea Snake: 2.16

    Serpent, Walking Woods: missing data

    Atlantean heroes: 1.08 or 1.1

    Villager Atlantean and Hero 2.0

    Bireme: 1.06

    Weak buildings: 2.16

    Buildings: 4.32

    Manor: 3.5

    Wonder: 100

    Bountyfactor * Bounty = Favor earned

    For example:

    Jarl kills a Minotaur: 1.1 * 2.16 = 2.376

    Hersir kills a Minotaur: 2.0 * 2.16 = 4.32

    Longboat kills a Kebenit: 2.5 * 1.08 = 2.7

    Drakkar kills a Kebenit: 1.0 * 1.08 = 1.08

    submitted by /u/AOM_Scout
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    Build order

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:24 PM PST

    What's the basic build order tou go in aom?

    submitted by /u/Lolpol223
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