• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 6, 2019

    Age of Mythology Rant: the beta is marginally more stable, but no one plays it, and I'm absolutely sick of this game crashing

    Age of Mythology Rant: the beta is marginally more stable, but no one plays it, and I'm absolutely sick of this game crashing

    Rant: the beta is marginally more stable, but no one plays it, and I'm absolutely sick of this game crashing

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    Okay, real talk. The beta has great balance improvements, a little bit better stability. But it's still not going to fix the litany of issues with this game, as noted in the bug list that was posted a couple days ago.

    Do a lot of people still play the original Titans game? I'm highly considering going back to that if there's still a decent online community.

    submitted by /u/swervinmervyn
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