• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 22, 2019

    Age of Mythology My boi Arkantos never got his recognition.

    Age of Mythology My boi Arkantos never got his recognition.

    My boi Arkantos never got his recognition.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    Great Hunt on herdables

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:12 PM PDT

    Does Great Hunt multiply herdables (goats, pigs, cows, etc.) using their current food value or their potential fattened food value when counting towards the maximum it can affect?

    submitted by /u/Child-of-Set
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    How did Magic/Mista get so good?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    These payers are generally considered (some of) the strongest all-time players of aot and consistently have good results no matter who they play against. Currently only Magic is active and we can see he smashes the competition he faces even from the other top players today.

    There seems to be more to getting good than just "playing a lot" since we have a lot of players who play loads and just don't get anywhere, prime example Kimo.

    People recommend watching recs to get better, but these guys dont feel like they would be studying recs to get better - since they are the ones that make the recs that people study.

    So what's the secret to getting this good? I notice Mista has some really high apm and very strong mechanics when he streamed a few months ago, and Magic tends to play more slowly and precisely. So what gives?

    submitted by /u/xpqvlryznrjxwnvj
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