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    Friday, September 13, 2019

    Age of Mythology Question: Is it normal for your AI opponents and allies alike to be attracted to your wonder? (Titans expansion)

    Age of Mythology Question: Is it normal for your AI opponents and allies alike to be attracted to your wonder? (Titans expansion)

    Question: Is it normal for your AI opponents and allies alike to be attracted to your wonder? (Titans expansion)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    I was playing on Archipelago map, a twelve team free for all, and in the midst of the carnage I built a wonder. Now as the game progressed, more and more of my opponents started getting their Titans. I could see each one press itself on the edge of it's corresponding island along with their armies. They didn't attack their neighbors, nor move from their spot. I put two and two together and realized they were trying to get as close to my wonder as possible. Is this just dumb as rocks AI trying to cross the water trying to destroy my wonder or something not supposed to happen?

    submitted by /u/Thrash_Tanks
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    Noob here: Beating Moderate AI, reaching classical faster, build orders, etc.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 01:46 AM PDT

    Hi folks,

    Thanks to the June sales on Steam, I bought AoM EE and got back into this wonderful game. I used to play it a lot as a kid and a teenager (currently 24 yo) but I exclusively played the solo campaigns and random maps on Easy, and I never played a single multiplayer game.

    So I'm trying to get better at the game, and after having beaten the Fall of the Trident campaign on Moderate, I'm now trying to win 1v1 games against the Moderate AI. The thing is, the opponent always reaches Classical before me, which means he's able to attack me before I've even had the opportunity to create military units to build barracks. Usually, I'm only able to reach Classical between 5:30 and 6:00. I imagine this is too slow as I've seen many people say you should aim for a 4:30 Classical to get a good start into the game.

    My questions are:

    • Do you recommend learning a build order in order to better manage early games and age up faster? Or should I first play more games against the AI without having a particular build order? (I'm afraid that by learning a build order and sticking to it, my playing won't be as versatile as it should be and I won't be able to adapt to other maps/gods/opponents etc.)
    • Is it absolutely necessary to age up before 6:00 to not get stomped by the AI/human opponent?
    • I usually play Zeus (I know Greeks better than other civs and I like the looks, the mythology etc.). Would you say he's a good god for beginners? What are some good major gods for noobs (I don't own the Chinese expansion)?

    Thanks for your help, looking forward to perhaps having a few games with you!

    submitted by /u/Metz____
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    will it go on sale?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    wanna go back to the favorite childhood game of mine, but can't afford the full price, any ideas on when it will go on sale if at all?

    submitted by /u/Georgian_Alpha
    [link] [comments]

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